Veterans' Services Department

The Veterans' Services Department assists veterans with benefits and services they have so valiantly earned by serving our great country.  Since 1861, from its first commitments to Civil War veterans, their spouses, and their dependents; the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has demonstrated solid concern and compassion for those men and women who have displayed sacrifice, valor, and duty when their state and nation called upon them.  The Massachusetts department of Veterans' Services supports a network of services and benefits to ensure that no veteran in Massachusetts or their dependents will go hungry, be homeless, or be medically deprived.

The City of Pittsfield Veterans' Services Department provides a wide range of benefits and services to our veterans and their eligible dependents.  In the veterans' time of need, this Department can provide benefits to help with ordinary living expenses until other sources of income can be acquired (M.G.L. Chapter 115).  The Veterans' Services Department provides services related to processing VA claims, including VA pensions; compensation; counseling related to employment and obtaining copies of discharges.




" care for those that have borne the battle and their widows and orphans."

 A. Lincoln