Annual Washington Sons & Daughter Reunion This Sunday, 9/10

The 111th annual reunion of the Sons & Daughters of Washington will take place this year on Sunday, September 10, from noon–3:00. All Washington residents and anyone who has ever lived in the Town of Washington are invited to join in at the Old Town Hall on Washington Mountain Rd. Food and drink will be provided.

Bake your favorite pie to enter in this year’s baking contest! (Please tape your name to the bottom of the plate, so we know which is your entry.) Prizes will be awarded.

Entertainment starts at 1:00.

Prior to this year's gathering, Tom Hoffman of the Historical Commission will be sharing his knowledge of some town history, leading a visit to various sites in the State Forest. Anyone wanting to attend can meet at the Town Common at 10:30 a.m. to carpool or drive directly to the Four Corners intersection down West Branch Rd at Lenox-Whitney Rd.

We look forward to seeing folks there.