Birth, Death, and Marriage Records

The Town Clerk records vital records (births, deaths, and marriages*) that occur in the Town of Washington and that occur elsewhere for Washington residents.

  • Birth Certificates: to request a certified copy of a birth certificate of persons whose parents lived in Washington at the time of their birth or who were born in Washington, contact the Town Clerk's office.
  • Death Certificates: to request a certified copy of a death certificate of persons who resided in Washington at time of death or whose death occurred in Washington, contact the Town Clerk's office.
  • Marriage Licenses: to request a certified copy of a marriage license please contact the Town Clerk in the municipality where you filed your marriage intention paperwork.

To request a certified copy of a vital record, complete the Vital Records Request Form and mail it to the Town Clerk with check payable to the Town of Washington. Each certified copy is $5.00.

Town Clerk
Town of Washington
8 Summit Hill Road
Washington, MA 01223

*The only marriage licenses recorded in Washington are for intentions filed in Washington.

Applying for a Marriage License

Persons wishing to obtain a marriage license must file their intentions with a Town Clerk, in-person, at least 3 days before the wedding ceremony.

  • Intentions do not need to be filed in the town of residence or town where the ceremony will be held. Intentions can be filed with any City or Town Clerk in Massachusetts.
  • The cost to file the intention paperwork in Washington is $20.00 and includes one certified copy of the marriage license after it has been recorded by the Town Clerk.
  • Form of identification is required for both parties.
  • Both parties must apply at the same time, in-person, to obtain a marriage license.
  • The license is valid for 60 days.
  • Once the intention paperwork has been filed, there is a mandatory 3-day waiting period before the actual marriage license is issued.

To apply for a marriage license, email the Town Clerk to schedule an appointment.

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