Old Town Hall Cemetery Graveyard Restoration Session, 8/26

Join the regulars for the upcoming “graveyard shift” on Saturday, August 26, 9–11:00 am at the Old Town Hall.

There are leaning stones to set straight, for those who are looking for a little bit of a workout. And there are stones to clean. Instructions provided.

Bring garden gloves and a shovel if you intend to help right stones. We’ll carry on if the weather is slightly wet, but don’t come if it’s pouring.

RSVP if you’re attending to carol@carollew.com. But if you end up with a little time to spare, feel free to come anyway even if you haven’t RSVP’d.

Susan Colgan cleans a headstone that needs some work. Josh Greene and Tom Hoffman work to straighten some leaning headstones.