State of the Town Set for This Saturday

The Select Board will be hosting a “State of the Town” gathering this Saturday, April 9, 10:00 to noon at Town Hall.

The Town faces some challenges and opportunities ahead, and we want to keep our residents informed. The next budget looks grimmer than usual and we’ll be confronting the need for a Levy Limit Override. Leadership has been exploring the possibilities of getting a part-time Town Administrator. And the situation with Bucksteep continues to stymie us all.

This will be a less formal event than the Annual Town Meeting. There won’t be any votes or decisions to be made, just an opportunity for Q&A and conversation about issues we face together.

Linda Levernoch has graciously offered to bake some goodies, and we’ll have coffee and tea available. So come a little early and reconnect with neighbors.

There will be a Zoom option for those who can’t make it or can’t risk an in-person gathering. We will do our best to make this a valuable alternative, but we can’t promise to be able to accommodate the same level of Q&A participation remotely.

Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 845 5852 6800
Passcode: 313623