Select Board

The Select Board is the chief executive authority in the Town of Washington. The Board provides leadership and strategic direction, establishes long-range goals and initiatives, and attends to the interests and welfare of the community.

The Board is responsible for calling Town Meetings and Town Elections. They make appointments to unelected boards and committees and fill unexpected vacancies on elected boards. They have the authority to enter into intergovernmental agreements and public contracts on behalf of the Town.

The Select Board also serves as the principal administrative body for the Town, overseeing the operations of town government. The Board approves and signs all warrants for paying Town bills. They hire and employ the Town’s professional staff and Town Counsel. The Board is the licensing authority in Washington.

The Select Board is generally responsible for supervision over matters that are not specifically delegated to another office or board by law or by vote of the Town body. They regularly deal with all manner of issues in town at weekly Monday night meetings. Residents are welcome to attend and bring matters of concern to their attention.

The Select Board consists of three elected officials who serve for three-year terms, with one seat being up for election each year. Board members earn a small annual stipend for their service, established annually at Annual Town Meeting.

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Jodi Hostetter Administrative Assistant 413-623-8878 x1
Tykesha Nothe Administrative Assistant
Sean Curran Town Administrator 413-440-9747

Board Members

NameTitleTerm Expires




